The Antidote to Fear and Worry

There is a virus going around, I’m sure you are familiar with it. Maybe yourself or someone you know have been affected by it. The experts call it a pandemic. I’m not talking about the novel coronavirus, what I’m referring to is the virus of anxiety. There is a legitimate concern over Covid-19 these days and that is what’s fueling our anxiety beyond measure.
According to psychologists, it is one of the most common problems today and it is becoming a medical crisis. For many of us, day to day activities were shut and are now very limited creating new problems on top of our current crisis. Fear causes people to overreact and at times be less vigilant about other health issues that may be more likely to harm us. Fear can be good from time to time when it’s a productive fear, like when it causes an immediate response to take the necessary steps to stay safe, but when it isn’t productive it can be a detriment to our health.
The majority of us get worried and anxious about the current situation or any other situation that threatens our livelihood and our well-being. During this time of crisis, it is important to remember that God gave us the gift of life today, we live in the light of today with the supplies we have today and we cannot anticipate what may happen tomorrow, tomorrow is uncertain, today is all we have. Reach out to God, he is the antidote to all of our pain and fears, he can take away all the worry we carry day-in and day-out.
We all face different types of problems and the responce the people in our communities have had has been tremendous. It is not just about going out and doing something, it is about working together to find solutions, is about supporting our communities and building relationships within our communities. Spreading kindness and love with everyone around us is what it's all about. Providing a word of encouragement to the vulnerable and spreading hope is how we are going to help overcome that overwhelming feeling of fear and worry.
Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you. - 1 Peter 5:7
We all know Jesus demonstrated his miraculous power over sickness and death, we must not forget about that. We need to remain calm and remember God’s love for us is immeasurable. Do not be anxious, live in the moment and thank God for allowing you to live another day. Remember that he gives you hope and strength one day a a time, he will give you what you need when you need it. Pray so that in the midst of this crisis the peace of God protects your heart and the ones you love. Prayer will give you such incredible feeling in your heart, he will give you power and confidence to overcome todays difficulties.Â
Do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own. -Matthew 6:34
pandemic anxietyfear of pandemicoverreacting to pandemiclivelihood during pandemicwell-being during pandemicGod in times of crisissupporting communities during pandemicspreading kindness during pandemiclove during pandemic1 Peter 5:7 in times of crisisMatthew 6:34 in times of crisiscalm in times of crisisremembering God's love in times of crisisprayer in times of crisispeace in times of crisisprotecting heart in times of crisis