Pray to God When You're Feeling Lost

Being lost is already a terrible experience, add the fact that you feel like you have no one to go to for help, your thoughts of helplessness creep up; it can be terrifying. Often times we may feel lost and helpless even when we have God on our side and we’re surrounded by people we know and love.Â
There may be times when God feels distant and you are desperate to know he’s still there, still caring for you. You pray and even then, you feel like your prayers aren’t being heard. When this happens, know that you are not in any way abnormal. Spiritual gloom is very common. While some may experience weak or detached from the things of God, others’ experiences may be different. Some may feel bored and distracted from their faith or discouraged to even seek God’s affection. Day after day we continue to feel disturbed about our desire to be close to God and the feelings of disconnect we have. It almost feels like the solution should be simple and yet we can’t seem to find one. What’s important to remember is to not surrender to the feelings of spiritual darkness.Â
There’s no doubt that feeling lost and far from God is discouraging to say the least. However, if you dig deep into your heart you may find an answer. We may find that we’re going through life thinking or feeling that we’re always doing what seems right but if we really think maybe something along the way wasn’t right. We need to rely on truth, not feelings. Read the Bible, it is the one instrument you can rely on to keep you on track. Pray to God so he may feel you with peace and comfort when you’re feeling distant. If you think you have tried everything and you still feel lost and distant from God, consider that maybe you’re over thinking, maybe you don’t need to change anything to fix your feelings. You may just need to stop overthinking and just let God flow through you, let him guide you in the direction you need to go.Â
Always remind yourself that the way you feel is not necessary a disappointment to God. The best of Christians have experienced what you are experiencing and yet, God still let us wake up another day and gave us what we need to survive. God cares for you, he knows you are doing your best. He is compassionate beyond belief and will always provide exactly what we need when we need it. Just be open to receive his love and go to him confident that he will reward you with eternal life.Â
For Christ also suffered once for sins, the righteous for the unrighteous, to bring you to God. He was put to death in the body but made alive in the Spirit. - 1 Peter 3:18
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