A New Beginning

During crisis, we faced challenges in every aspect of our lives. We had to learn how to cope with all the new regulations while trying to keep some sort of normality and balance in our lives. Some unfortunately were affected more deeply and faced the loss of loved ones. And while difficult for everyone, the time has come to get out of what is our current comfort zone and start life over again.Â
Our life was turned upside down during this crisis but it also brought people together from all different backgrounds and social status, people have more appreciation for the simple things in life and for life itself. While it is sad to know that terrible things had to happen for the world to come together, sometimes it is necessary. It is uncertain how all of this will change the way we live, but we must have faith that there will be a better and much brighter future.
We know that some things in life will not return to normal, we will need to build a new normal, nevertheless; a new beginning may just be what we all need. Wipe away everything and anything that is holding you back because we don’t deserve to live in fear. Remember that everything happens for a reason and though changes are difficult, they often lead us to better things.
Over the years, the world has gone through very difficult situations and as a society we have done what is necessary to overcome the challenges we are faced with, this will not be any different. There will be calm after the storm.Â
As difficult as it may seem this is an opportunity for a great beginning, an opportunity to make a better world, and an opportunity for humanity to evolve and change our behaviors for the better. Whether we’re ready or not, changes are coming, we must stick together, continue to be kind to each other and stay positive. Keep on spreading kindness, love and prayers to the world.
Will the world be the same as it used to? not very likely but hopefully we can make it better.
Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal. - 2 Corinthians 4:16-18
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