Love & Prayer

Search Results for "raising children"

Why Setting Boundaries Is Important

Parenting is a tough job, and it's essential to establish clear boundaries to teach children responsibility and provide them with an opportunity to learn things on their own. Consistency is the key to success, and having a clear understanding of the expected behavior enables the kids to be within those boundaries without having to guess what and when specific behavior is not acceptable. Worrying about our children's wellbeing never ends, and it is for their benefit that we must set healthy boundaries from an early age. By no means am I saying we shouldn't help them; that's a huge portion of our role as parents. What I'm saying is that we need to let them work through their struggles and, when appropriate, step in to help. This would only benefit them in the long run.

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Bible Verses to Read to Our Children

As parents, it is important to teach our children life lessons that will help them stay innocent for as long as possible. The Bible contains words of wisdom to help us do that and help us raise them and teach them the way of the Lord.

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How to Lead Your Children to God

Raising godly children can be both terrifying and exhilarating responsibility. As parents, we want our children to stand up for their faith, be self-disciplined, and be kind and loving. However, teaching them about self-control and discipline alone is not sufficient. We need to also teach them about the word of God and the basics of a good Christian life. By exposing them to God's word and teachings, we can prepare them to face life situations and apply what they've learned. One of the most basic things we must teach them is the Ten Commandments. Without that, their understanding of right and wrong, good and evil, can be pretty limited. Praying with our children every day and teaching them the power of prayer is essential. Living in faith every day can help you lead your children to Christ in a very natural and beautiful way. Teach them about God's love, let them know that He is always there for them.

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