How to Lead Your Children to God

Raising godly children can be both terrifying and exhilarating responsibility. There just seems to be so much pressure for everything to be just right. We want them to stand up for their faith, and we want them to be able to have self-discipline and be kind and loving. I always thought that teaching my children about self-control and discipline made me a good parent. And while those things are highly important, teaching them about the word of God and the basics of a good Christian life is just as important if we want them to grow up in faith and receive Godâs grace.Â
As parents raising young children, we can do various things to get them to know God. We can read them Bible stories and hope theyâll grow up to be what we want them to be or what God created them to be, but that alone is not sufficient. Our kids need to be exposed to a variety of things as they grow, but we have to start teaching them at an early age so, by the time they are teens, they are able and, most importantly, willing to accept God as their savior. Pressuring them to learn about the word of God may not be the right way to instill faith. This may backfire, and as a result, they could push back and resist. We need to allow them to learn at their own pace and in a creative way when possible.Â
When I was a child, my mother bought kids illustrated Bible, I remember that it caught my eyes and made it fun, so Iâd find myself reading it more often. Perhaps that doesnât work for everyone, but there are other creative ways to expose the kids to Godâs word and get them interested and willing to learn.
There are no directions or manuals to parenting. We all try to do what we think is best, and sometimes we fail, and we try something different; itâs basically all trial and error, and thatâs OK. God understands that, and we donât have to feel like weâve failed, and while the journey is challenging, in the end, it is gratifying. One of the things we have to do as Christian parents is first introducing our kids to God and instilling respect. Psalm 111:10 says, âThe fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom; all of who follow his precepts have good understanding.â This is an excellent verse to teach them and build that foundation they need to grow near God.Â
By teaching them the word of God, we can prepare them to face life situations and apply what theyâve learned; that is why exposing them to Godâs teachings is so important. Weâve all experienced challenges growing up, they will experience challenges to their faith as well, and we have to prepare them for that.
One of the most basic things we must teach them is the Ten Commandments. Because without that, their understanding of right and wrong, good and evil, can be pretty limited. One other crucial part of raising our children in faith is prayer. Our children need to understand and learn how to pray. Teaching them the power of prayer and how prayer impacts our lives is essential. Pray with your kids every day, find opportunities to pray with them, donât wait until you go to church.Â
Living in faith every day can help you lead your children to Christ in a very natural and beautiful way. Teach them about Godâs love, let them know that He is always there for them. This will help them put their trust and faith in Jesus and have a closer relationship with Him. Donât give up; your hard work will shape their lives in our loving God, and He will make his way into their hearts.
All your children shall be taught by the Lord, and great shall be the peace of your children. Isaiah 54:13
raising children in faithteaching children about faithteaching children to prayteaching children about right and wrongteaching children to have good understandingteaching children about God's loveleading children to a closer relationship with Jesusbuilding children's trust and faith in Jesusteaching children to have a natural and beautiful relationship with Godteaching children about the Ten Commandmentsteaching children the importance of self-control and disciplineteaching children about the word of Godteaching children the basics of a good Christian lifeteaching children to accept God as their saviorteaching children the power of prayerteaching children how to pray