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Search Results for "beliefs"

Elephant Rope

A gentleman witnessed elephants in captivity and was surprised to see that they were not trying to escape despite the fact that they were not being held in cages or chained. The trainer explained that the elephants were conditioned to believe that they could not break free, and this belief held them back.

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History of Christianity

Christianity is a religion that originated in Israel around 2000 years ago. It is based on the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ, and has evolved into four main branches: Roman Catholics, Eastern Orthodox, Oriental Orthodox, and Protestant. Christianity has spread throughout the world, making it the largest religion with over 2 billion followers. However, the question of which is the best religion remains a matter of opinion.

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Religious Beliefs Determined by Politics

Religion and politics often intersect in the United States, with some Americans voting Republican based on their faith and moral values, and others choosing a political party before joining a religious community. However, the question of whether one's political views are affected by their faith or vice versa is complex and multifaceted. In modern times, with a generation that is more immersed in social media and less likely to join a religious community, religion may seem less relevant than politics. It's important to remember that religion can still play a significant role in one's relationship with God and their spiritual values, even if it's not as prominent in their daily lives.

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Is Yoga a Religion?

Yoga is not a religion, but it has been influenced by Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism. Although it may have its roots in religion, it is not in itself a religion. Yoga practitioners aren’t required to follow a particular faith, religious belief or rituals. Yoga practices include chanting and even praying. Yoga has been proven to significantly reduce the levels of cortisol which is the primary stress hormone, and it has also been proven to help reduce anxiety levels.

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Life After Death

The Afterlife: What Happens After Death? Explore the different opinions and beliefs among theologists and scientists on what happens after death.

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Every Christian Has a Guardian Angel

Angels are believed to be messengers from God, sent to watch over us and deliver messages from heaven. Despite the lack of information on their duties, many believe that angels are real and play an important role in our lives.

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Young Adults Are Leaving Their Faith

Avoiding the pitfalls of rejection and doubt, young people need to be introduced or re-introduced to God's love. Pray for them to come to know God and build strong foundations of trust, respect, and love.

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Is Our Faith Threatened by the Existence of Alien Life?

The discovery of ETI (Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence) life elsewhere in the universe may not be compatible with our faith. It may very likely present theological conundrums that many religions will find challenging. However, the idea of alien life brings up many questions such as: Did he create aliens?, or Do aliens believe in God just as we do? Was Jesus born in those worlds and taught them the Word of God as he did in our world?

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Are Demons Having Sex With Humans?

The belief that demons have sex with humans has been embedded deep in the Christian and Jewish traditions for hundreds of years. Stella Immanuel, a Houston pediatrician and leader of a Christian ministry, believes that demon sex causes all kinds of illnesses such as miscarriages, impotence, cysts, among others. While looking into Dr. Immanuel’s background, many found that she also believes that the U.S government is run by reptilian creatures and that scientists are working on a vaccine to prevent people from being religious. Immanuel also rejected the effectiveness of wearing a mask to prevent the spread of the highly contagious Covid-19. She also promoted hydroxychloroquine to treat the virus. On July 27th, President Trump and his son Donald T. Tweeted a video that featured Dr. Immanuel to whom Trump described as “spectacular,” claiming that the drug used to treat malaria was a cure for Covid19; a treatment that Trump promoted and claims he has taken himself. She became quite the star within the right-wing circle with millions of views, especially after people started digging into her very unconventional beliefs. But, is demon sex something irrational to sublunary minds, or is it conceivable?

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Having Good Values Requires Believing in God

While religion may be a source of morality for some, non-religious people also have their own moral values. Morality has been part of our lives for a long time and is based on our internal moral compass, which guides our judgment between right and wrong. However, religion can also provide guidance during moments of confusion.

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