This Labor Day We Pray

Labor Day was born on 1984 after a strike that left 30 dead, to rectify poor working conditions. Whether we are employees or employers, this prayer is for everyone, so we may become the person God calls us to be.
Dear God, on this day we give you thanks for all of those essential workers that are always at the front lines providing their services to our communities, all of those who are serving our country and are working hard to keep us safe. Thank you for keeping them safe. Today we also pray for all the workers of the world so they may receive fair opportunities, respect and good treatment in their labor. For all of those who seek work, please grant them with a job that calls them to do their best with joy knowing that its source is You. And for all of those who lead the industries of the country, help them be just and respectful of all laborers. Deliver us all from the evils of greed, and cover us with your Holy Spirit so we may lead lives of service to you and our neighbor. Amen