Spiritual Revolution

Spirituality is likely to be the most viable solution to a world of violence and hatred. Spirituality is accessible to everyone, it is not something that only certain people have access to, though for some people the only thing that is missing is knowing how to tap into their spiritual side.
Granting the fact that spirituality is generally associated with God and religion, this isn’t the absolute truth. Spirituality is also the science of the human mind, and the ability to tap into our brain power; it involves deeper feelings an often related to searching for a purpose and meaning in life.
If everyone was able to tap into their spiritual self state of mind, everyone would become better human beings. We would certainly have a better and peaceful world.Â
Humanity today seems to be seeking a higher level of emotional well being, whether that is through religion or an activity that brings them closer to their soul and inner peace. In the end, it seems we all have the same goal and want the same thing. A peaceful world filled with kindness. Â
Everyone is free to choose the way they want to pursue their spirituality, what ever is right, whatever is true for you is waiting to be discovered.
Whatever disciplines you practice, whatever principles you follow to achieve the level of spirituality you seek will definitely change your relationship with God, with the world and with others. You will find your consciousness transformed and in profound unity with your soul.
Start the revolution, share your spiritual experiences and inspire everyone around you. Spiritual revolution is way pass overdue, all we need is a simple shift in our lives and our mindsets to begin the transformation.
The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law. - Galatians 5:22-23
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