Prayer for Caregivers

Caregiving is a tough job and when you throw in a worldwide health crisis, the demand for care for others increases considerably. Not to mention having their own challenges just like everyone else. They too have fears, they too have to be quarantined, some may even have to be completely isolated from their loved ones, they have disrupted schedules and the list can go on. The current health crisis has transformed everyone’s life as we know it and finding a healthy balance to deal with all of it can be difficult sometimes. If you are a caregiver, this prayer is for you.
Dear Lord, please help all caregivers with the challenges they are presented with every day. During these difficult times, embrace them with your love and compassion when they feel worried and overwhelmed. Remind them that you are their protector and that you will guide them in all that they do. Help them find the words to give comfort when they cannot give hope. Lord, you are in control of all things, we place our caregivers in your hands, please keep them safe so you may continue to do your work through their hands. Wrap them in you loving arms and comfort them, remind them that you will always be there for them. In Jesus’ name Amen