Double-Minded Christian

A double minded Christian is usually unstable, torn between two different directions. Dividing their lives or interests and dedicating half to God and the other half to other habits. Double minded can also just be being undecided which isn’t necessarily a sin. We can also be a double-minded Christian when we split our spiritual realities between the beauty in God’s word and his temple in prayer. Though the latter is not a double-minded between good and evil, or right vs. wrong, this is a complementary mind set where both sides work together towards the same goal - To be closer to God.
Sometimes in order to obey God we have to make sacrifices and that may be something we don’t like, something we don’t feel like doing. But, if we don’t listen to what God is trying to tell us, we will miss out on what he has waiting for us on the other side.Â
One thing we know is that the Christian life shouldn’t be complicated and full of distractions that move us away from God. We can’t just go through life feeling good, feeling good can be deceiving at times, it can make us feel like we have achieved something that makes us worthy of God when in fact we haven’t. We have to strive to be good and to be kind and loving. What we all need is to really open our hearts to God and surrender to him and we can do that through prayer.Â
Prayer is our lifeline to him so, pray with confidence because he will answer your prayers. Be humble and value others over yourself. Your words are powerful, make them reflect your love for God and everyone around you. Be a doer of God’s word not just a listener.Â
Dear God, please guard our hearts and our minds from double-mindedness. We want to be closer to you so you can renew our souls and forgive our sins. Take away our toxic thinking and remind us how with the power of the Holy Spirit we can get closer to you and achieve complete submission. In Jesus’s name. Amen