Mental State Alone Changes Your Perspective
In an ever changing world of pressure and stress it's important to remember how you think changes your perspective. It's easy to get in a rut or scream for attention but sometimes that's the exact thing not to do.
As stress grows or shrinks in your life day to day you need to take time to internalize and reflect, ask yourself is love in my life and am I loving myself. Everyday we need to think about loving ourselves. That doesn't mean you need to be selfish or narcissistic but that you personally need to appreciate yourself. Showing yourself love is a difficult task sometimes but if you can get into the habit of reminding yourself how great you are, you'll quickly realize how much your perception of life itself will change. An easy approach to this is simply thinking about Family, Friends, Children, Hobbies, etc. and recall why you love each of those respectively. That may sound alien but what that is, is your inner joy; you'll remind yourself that you do things for you purely out of love and in the process you'll change your mental state almost instantaneously.
Science shows that love releases many chemicals the most important in the adjustment of your perspective is Dopamine which then releases Oxytocin. The interesting thing when that happens is you will actually view life through a different lens, one that isn't so judgmental, or one that is open to new experiences. Some people are said to feel this same experience from other sources like religion or extreme sports. What we need to remind ourselves is that very small changes daily lead to great results over time. Most importantly no matter how your day is going there many reasons to love yourselves and the ones around you, put aside the needs to fight and open your heart to love from within.
Always know that someone loves you, be there for yourself and remember to allow those around you to love you too.
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