Biblical Based Affirmations

Affirmations have helped hundreds if not thousands of people. It is said that positive affirmations work because they have the ability to reprogram your mind, they can flush out all the negative thoughts you have and create new positive ones. I think most of us have heard of them. The most commonly used are positive affirmations, or phrases used to change negative thoughts as previously mentioned, also used to motivate and boost your self-esteem. Though on this occasion we are going to explore just a few faith related affirmations. Practicing is very simple; what you have to do is select a phrase and repeat it to yourself every day. Repetitions must be meaningful. You can also create phrases that are more meaningful to you. Practice repetition each day, multiple times a day. These affirmations can help you connect with God while also help you move towards your desired goal.
- * I have been uniquely designed for a purpose -Psalm 139:14
- * My Faith is empowered by God’s word -Romans 10:17
- * I will not surrender to my fears -Isaiah 41:10
- * With God, everything is possible -Luke 1:37
- * I claim the biblical freedom to trust that God is powerful enough to work all things for my good -Romans 8:28
- * The Lord is my shepherd, I have all that I need -Psalm 23:1
- * I will do what is within my control and leave the rest to God -Hebrews 10:23
- * I do not expect my path to be easy. I will grow through every experience -James 1:2-4
- * Because I believe in Jesus, I no longer live in darkness -John 13:46

I encourage you to explore more positive affirmations on your own, it is a great way to empower people, reprogram our minds so we can be happier, more optimistic and create the life we want to live.
faith-based affirmationsfaith-based motivationfaith-based self-esteemfaith-based fear managementfaith-based possibilities affirmationsfaith-based trust affirmationsfaith-based shepherd affirmationsfaith-based control affirmationsfaith-based experiences affirmationsfaith-based darkness affirmationsfaith-based Jesus affirmationsfaith-based emotional intelligence affirmationsfaith-based resilience affirmationsfaith-based positive thinking affirmationsfaith-based self-reflection affirmationsfaith-based goal setting affirmations