Re-invent Yourself With These New Year's Resolutions

It's New Year! And every year, people make New Year's resolutions. In reality, there's really no difference between December 31, January 1, or any other day of the year. Nothing unique or magical happens at midnight as we go from one year to another. It's really just a number. However, something about the beginning of a new year gives us a feeling of renewal and a fresh start.
While most resolutions generally revolve around getting in shape and eating healthy, we also include finances and professional and personal lifestyle goals. This year may not be much different, but the focus on our priorities will definitely be different. With all the health issues, political issues, and environmental issues, these past years have been quite the years.
One thing that will be at the top of most of our lists this year will definitely be not taking our health for granted. And it won't just be about getting in shape; it'll be everything encompassing our health like having healthy eating habits, mental health, maybe even creating a healthier living environment, and, equally important, spiritual health; whether that'd be purely about spiritual existence or more religious centered or both, entirely up to you.
The truth is that the vast majority of us are longing for a profound and complete transformation of ourselves this new year. And to help you with that, here are a few ideas to kick off that new year's resolution list. One thing that is important to think about when setting your resolutions or goals is that they need to be realistic. We often set unrealistic goals because we don't think them through, and we fail in the process. Therefore, it's essential to break your goals into smaller goals. Having measurable goals allows you to see and feel the progress which will help you stay motivated to keep going and ultimately help you achieve your ultimate goal.
Create healthy habits
Most people want to eat healthy. You may not be someone that likes to cook; maybe you've never cooked, but it's never too late to start. Consider looking up some simple, easy, healthy recipes, gather your ingredients and start cooking! Do it once a week, maybe even just one meal a day; that may be enough to start, and slowly add another day, or not. Remember, it has to be achievable, so make it easy and fun!
Besides eating healthy, keeping our body active by exercising regularly should be on that list. It is not so much about having a great body but keeping your body healthy and decreasing the chances of developing diseases. Diabetes, Cholesterol, Cancer, and even Heart disease are some of the results of unhealthy habits. Maintaining a healthy weight by staying active and incorporating a healthy diet will increase your chances of living healthier, longer.
If you drink or smoke, try your best to reduce the amount you drink and smoke. While it is best not to drink or smoke, it is understandable that sometimes bad habits are hard to manage. Do your best, and don't give up. Having a support system is important. Whether a family member or a friend, having someone to support you during the transition can help you achieve your goals.
Love yourself
Sometimes we find it easier to love others than to love ourselves. However, loving yourself is crucial to building self-esteem and helps form healthier relationships. Loving yourself isn't a selfish act, as many may think. Instead, it improves the relationship with yourself and those around you. Having self-compassion will make you compassionate towards others. It all begins with you. If you are not kind to yourself, it's hard to be kind to others.
Don't compare yourself to others; this can be tough because our brains are wired to engage in comparisons. We can't avoid comparing. But, what we can do is accept ourselves the way we are. Accept that there's no one like us, everyone is different, everyone has different strengths and weaknesses, and we have to accept that. Value yourself as you are; nobody is less or more than you; we're all just different.
Be present
We all have heard this one before. It's essential to live in the moment. But, unfortunately, we have a busy life, and living in the moment is not easy. Usually, something else occupies our mind; something coming up or something that has already passed. Either way, we have a wait of re-playing situations in our head, trying to plan out the next thing or figuring out what we could have done differently.
Conscious awareness is the solution to this problem. Practicing yoga, meditation, breathing, and mindfulness will help you stay in the present moment. It may take some time, but the more you do it, the easier it becomes.
Get closer to God
This perhaps should be at the top of the list. Having a relationship with God is essential if we want to achieve any of our goals. Read the Bible for at least 15 minutes a day, it may not seem like a lot, but it'll make a big difference, especially if you're starting now. Find a quiet place, away from distractions, and dedicate those 15 minutes to the Lord. You can also incorporate prayer into your day. Gratitude is one of the greatest virtues; it cannot be requested or demanded; gratitude can only be given. Therefore, practicing gratitude every day goes a long way. Being thankful for waking up every day and for all our blessings is a must. If you're not already engaged in a relationship with God, consider that as one of your top priorities this new year.
Honor your commitments
Do what you say you're going to do when you say you're going to do it. Perhaps the most important thing to know about this is not to commit unless you are 100% sure you can do it. This includes everything you have written on your resolution list, plus some. Every day we make a new commitment. Whether that is being on time to work, a phone call, a meeting or a text, a visit. Honoring our commitments is essential if we want to achieve our goals.
So, this coming year, if you have resolved to pray more, drink more water, get more sleep, eat healthy, quit smoking, or take control of your finances, making a change takes commitment. Making a commitment is a powerful thing to do, and when you try to take on too much at once, you may be setting yourself up for failure. Remember, set reasonable goals and make sure they fit into who you are and what God intended you to be. One step at a time