These Days Will Pass

The current health crisis crossed all borders affecting people’s lives regardless of their race or religion. While it has caused a lot of suffering and anxiety, it also has inspired kindness and hope. In the midst of fear, disorder and rampage we have had moments of unity. Everyone from medical providers to world leaders have shown support to the communities. Despite what is going on in the world, we are starting to see some changes. Some cities have already lifted the lockdown, businesses are starting to re-open after taking the necessary precautions and done what is necessary to keep the public safe.
With that said, while we are safely returning to our somewhat normal life it may not bring a sense of relief to everyone. Many of us may feel uneasy about returning after being sheltered in the safety of our homes. For many, the end of quarantine creates stress and high levels of anxiety possibly fearing a second wave infection or the fact that they would have to re-adapt to new life situations and changes. These are legitimate reasons to feel worried.Â
If you are feeling anxious about coming out of quarantine you are not alone, many people are experiencing the same thing. But, the important thing is taking that first step. Recognizing your anxiety is a step forward in the right direction. The next step is to identify what it is that keeps you calm and happy and try to integrate that in your daily activities. Whether that’d be keeping in touch with your loved ones, scheduling those FaceTime meetings with them, keeping up with a new hobby you picked up or continue to cook at home. The important thing is to not beat yourself up if you go back to old habits, be easy on yourself and slow down.Â
Remember that you’re stronger than you think you are. You’ve gone through so much already, all the challenges you had to overcome and you came out victorious. See your worry with new eyes and while you may have limitations you also have skills to work things out and push through challenges. Most importantly, exercise the act of hope because that is what gives us the courage we need when we face obstacles, it opens up the door to possibilities so we can keep moving forward.
Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go. - Joshua 1:9